You try to fight sleep but you have lost as you feel your eyelids closing shut. When you open them again, you see your boss staring straight at you.\n\nYou got fired.\n\n<b>NOT SUCCESS, well find another job with a better boss. It's for the best.</b>
You walk back to your cubicle. You wonder if you should [[go to the 7/11 for your coffee fix| option1]] or just stay in your cubicle, [[fighting off sleep| fightsleep]].
You remember that your boss caught you asleep last time and how embarrassing it was for you as your co-workers hear him screaming at you for ruining the whole company's morale. And that it happened two days ago. You have a feeling if he catches you again, you can kiss your job good-bye.\n\nYou think about your options.\n\n[[Sneaking out and going to 7/11 | option1]], which is a ten minute walk away. Sure they don't really serve a latte, but does have the nasty-tasting coffee that gives you that jolt.\n\n[[Asking Dave to get you an vanilla latte | option2]], who owes you a big favor.
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You take off the lid and splash the coffee on him.\n\nYou thought it was a good idea at the time, as you are sitting in the back of a police car as it takes you away from your office. At least you don't have to work for that guy anymore.\n\n<b>NOT SUCCESS at all, seriously that would hurt!</b>
You decide to sneak out and jog to the nearest 7/11. You look at your choices. [[Hot coffee| hot]] or [[canned cold coffee | cold]]?
It's two in the afternoon and you are sitting in your cubicle. You drank a can of Pepsi two hours earlier, but you already feel like you're going to fall asleep.\n\nYou need a latte. [[ASAP]].
You walk two cubicles down and approach Dave. Then you ask him to get a vanilla latte for you.\n\n"Sorry, I'm busy." His eyes are glued to the computer screen.\n\nYou remind him of the favor he owes you. He turns to look at you.\n\n"Give me a break! I got this report I need to turn in tomorrow."\n\nDo you:\n\n[[Continue to press him to get you a vanilla latte.| presshim]]\n\n[[Give up and go back to your cubicle.| giveup]]
You come back with your coffee. At the entrance of your cubicle, you see your boss staring right at you.\n\n[[Apologize profusely.]]\n\n[[Spill coffee on him.]]
I want a latte NOW!
You keep on bugging him and then he holds his hands in the air.\n\n"Alright, I'll get you your stupid coffee."\n\nBefore leaving the building, he makes sure the boss isn't around and then leaves.\n\nThirty minutes later, he comes back and gives you your drink.\n\nTen minutes later, you hear your boss yelling.\n\n"Dave, you're fired!"\n\nOh well, at least you have your latte.\n\n<b>SUCCESS, with a tinge of guilt.</b>
Latte Break Mix
As you are purchasing your coffee, someone taps you on the shoulder. It's your boss.\n\n<b>NOT SUCCESS, coincidences can be a pain in the butt.</b>
You offer him your cup of coffee as a sign of apology. He takes the coffee and spills it on your shirt.\n\nSoon you file lawsuit against him and all your co-workers who saw the crime testified. Everyone sees you as a martyr, except you are still alive. And they all treat you to a round of beer and ale.\n\n<b>SUCCESS i guess. Bosses can be weird sometimes.</b>